Young Widow Would Turn Her Rear From The Graves As She Walked Away

Death is one of the most difficult things that we will ever have to face. The death of a loved one will cause us to grieve and we may spend months or perhaps even years trying to get over it.

That doesn’t mean, however, that death is always going to be a serious subject. In fact, the joke that we have for you below is all about death, but it is sure to make you laugh.

Sometimes you just have to read between the lines in order to enjoy the joke. That is the case here, but if you look closely enough, you may just have a hard time not laughing.

Every week, a young widow would visit her husband’s tomb to water the flowers. Then, each time, her back was turned as she walked away.

Every week, a young man who saw this happening couldn’t resist approaching her and striking up a conversation.

It is evident that you have shown your late husband a great deal of respect. I think it’s really lovely that you don’t turn around when you go. He stated.

He was rendered dumbfounded by the woman’s response, as she met his gaze directly.

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