We all have immense respect for our military personnel. They have sacrificed so much for our freedom, a debt we can never fully repay. It is important that we show our appreciation for them not just on Memorial or Veteran’s day, but every single day.

I want to share with you an extraordinary rendition of “God Bless America” by a US Marine that will leave you with goosebumps, a feeling of pride, and an undeniable amount of energy. This video is a powerful reminder of why we hold our military in such high regard.
When I first heard about this singing soldier, I knew he was going to be special. But I had no idea just how special. This performance is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. By the end of it, you’ll want to salute this Marine and shake his hand. And you’ll feel an overwhelming sense of pride for our country.
“God Bless America” holds a significant place in history. It was originally written as a prayer by Irving Berlin. In 1938, the talented Kate Smith gave life to this prayer through song. If you’re not familiar with Kate Smith, I highly recommend learning about her. She was known as the First Lady of Radio and made a lasting impact on American culture and patriotism.
Irving Berlin, the composer of “God Bless America,” is a legend in his own right. Born as “Israel Beilin” in Russia, he came to America at a young age. By the time he was 30, he had already written hundreds of songs, many of which became major hits. Throughout his career, he wrote around 1,500 songs and received eight Academy Award nominations for his work in Broadway plays and Hollywood films.
Now, I invite you to watch this video and immerse yourself in the palpable pride and electric energy radiating from this Marine. Keep an eye out for the breathtaking moment at the 1:48 mark that will surely make you want to stand up. God Bless America, indeed… and AMEN.