Wendy’s Manager Creates ‘Ghost Employee’ And Steals $20K After 128 Fake Shifts

Is not out of the ordinary to hear about somebody stealing from the company where they work. In the case of Linda Johnson, however, she has taken things to an entirely different level.

Linda Johnson used to work as a manager for Wendy’s, the fast food hamburger restaurant. She was stealing from the restaurant in a most unusual way, because she invented an employee and named him William Bright.

Over the course of 128 different shifts, she would clock the ghost employee Internet out and the wages would be funneled into her account. This continued to happen at the Wendy’s restaurant in Pennsylvania where she worked and now, she is facing a charge of theft by deception.

It continued to be a problem for almost a year but eventually, she got caught. It all started in June 2021 when she began clocking in William Bright for shifts until May of last year. That is when she was busted for her crying.

During an investigation, employees were asked about working with William and none of them could recall him. Eventually, Johnson admitted that she had made up the fake employee because she wanted to make the extra wages. The paychecks were deposited into her account.

After she was charged with a criminal offense, she took off and went missing. The police are still looking for her and any information on her whereabouts.

When this was posted to social media, people were divided on how they felt on the subject. Some felt that she got away with it for so long that she probably should have just been allowed to keep the money.

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