They Found Strange Piles In Their Daughter’s Room And The Internet Couldn’t Figure It Out

There are times when we may see something and it makes us panic to a certain extent, but we can’t explain it. This recently came to light when somebody saw something in their home so they went on social media to learn more.

These types of social media posts can make you wonder about what you are seeing. In many cases, someone will step forward with an answer quickly but that was not true in this case.

When the original post was published, it was a picture that was shared of something that looks like fine dirt piled on the floor. There were two mounds that were cleaned every day, and she just couldn’t figure it out.

Interestingly, both of the heaps were found in her daughter’s room so there was even more cause for concern. It was a mystery because they had recently moved into a rented house and the piles started showing up.

According to the description, they have the appearance and texture of anthills or coffee grounds but they feel more like crushed shells. After they went online to ask for assistance, there were hundreds of thousands of reactions and thousands of comments, but nobody could figure it out.

Some people thought that it was some type of excrement from pests or maybe it was an ant colony. Termites were also considered, but it wasn’t the case.

Finally, somebody came forward to give a suggestion and as strange as it was, it turned out to be accurate. According to the suggestion, they were wondering if their children had a lavender bear that had ruptured.

The mother said that she did have a purple plush bear that was in a pile of toys on top of the unexplained pile. She had thrown it out because she felt it was contaminated but it did have a hole in it.

When she retrieved the plush bear, she discovered that the innards were exactly what was on the floor. Case solved.

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