I Chose to Follow My Teen Son After He Told Me He Got New Clothes and Headphones from Dad

Cathy becomes perplexed when she sees that her son is wearing new clothes and has on new headphones. One day she chooses to trail him because she wants to know where or from whom he has been getting everything. When she recognises it, it takes her back to her early years.

I have recently realized that my son Alex has been dressing up in new clothes that I did not buy for him. Yesterday, I saw that he had new headphones hanging around his neck.

Dear, where did you obtain the headphones? Making breakfast, I asked.

“From Dad,” he yelled back over text.

The clothes as well?

Hushed, he said, “Um.” All right.

It seemed logical because Alex and I were constantly giving him new things and I was divorced from Ian, Alex’s father.

Ian, though, was a practical man. It was not Ian, but me who went shopping and overspent. He gave Alex constantly excellent gifts, especially clothing. Never mind name brands, Ian hated to spend money on them and believed they were a complete waste.

Alex had all new name-brand clothing, so I was skeptical.

Cathy, I don’t know what to tell you, Ian stated over the phone. Still, I was not the one. Maybe he happened across a side gig.

Ian, he is fourteen years old. That is more than he could make working a part-time job.

Ian gave me his reassuring, “I’ll ask him.” We shall look into it in great detail.

I have never wanted to be a mother who controls every decision her child takes. But nothing made sense; Alex couldn’t have raised the money by himself.

I heard Alex whispering into his phone that evening after dinner.

“Mom,” he said as he entered the kitchen. So I’m going to work on this project with my buddy Jeremy at his place?

Is leaving you necessary? Wiping my hands, I asked.

Not too far, actually. I’m going to walk.

He left a short while after.

Now was my one chance to find out if Alex had any plans. I had an early edge because I was watching him through the glass.

Taking my keys and phone, I followed him.

Having crossed two roads, Alex got into an unknown car with a blonde woman. I had to approach since, from where I was, I could not see her features clearly.

Something clicked for me as I got closer to the car and could see her face at last. Standing there, I watched Lia cradling Alex and looking around the car.

Though I had not seen her in a long time, her golden hair, sparkling in the streetlights, framed the face I remembered my entire childhood.

When I learned Lia, my sister who had long ago disappeared from our lives, had returned and was now very much a part of my son’s life, I became filled with emotion.

Background: Lia and I were close up until we were teenagers. I had grown into a little imitation of my mother, always ready to run the house and take care of my father. But Lia had grown up to be a wild teenager who didn’t give a damn about the law or safety.

Her boyfriend and she had disappeared shortly after high school. I spent years trying to find Lia with my parents. The cops told us we could either continue our quest or go on with our lives.

My mother bemoaned Lia, as though she had lost her child. On the other hand, my father let his anger to overwhelm him since he thought Lia had betrayed him.

And I kept looking for her. I got to know the local police force and watched for leads, but when Alex was born, I gave up.

I at least understood Lia’s want to stay anonymous.

But now, in her car, she was sat next to my kid.

I walked up, opened the back door, and settled into the car.

‘Mum’ Then Alex yelled out. ‘Why are you here?’

Why are my kid and you here, Lia? I pressed on.

Lia looked at me, her eyes wide.

“You disappeared into thin air and now you’re back, meddling with our lives through my son?”

The complexity that my long-lost sister exhibited was echoed in the convoluted weave of our past.

Nah, Cath, she said. Would you kindly not meddle? Having found Alex on Facebook, I got in touch with him. He could, I thought, help us mend our relationship.

Her comments were thick with unsaid pain and unresolved business from a common past.

At that point, of course, the floodgates opened. I bent over and started crying.

You can’t just walk right back into our lives after all these years, I said. Alex is not a pawn to help you undo the harm you did.

Lia lowered her gaze and for a while it appeared as though the weight of the past had been placed upon her.

I admit I made a mistake, Cathy. Even though I’ve gotten better, I still feel bad about hurting you and the kids. And I would appreciate the chance to make amends.

Quiet I was. I just sat there and observed, Alex having turned from the front seat and was looking at me.

“Alex, let’s go.”

Silently, we made our way home.

“Mom,” he said when he was done brushing his teeth. Aunt Lia is a genuinely wonderful woman. Kindness has been shown to me. She got me the new things, not Dad.

“What kept you from telling me?” I said.

“Because I didn’t want to exacerbate your already strained emotions around the divorce.”

Well, my dear, I said. Nothing about that is your fault.

“And Aunt Lia has been here, chatting with me about everything. When you and Dad got divorced, I didn’t know how I felt, but Aunt Lia gave me some insight. I understand why you’re upset with her. However, she has really helped me.

I kept Alex’s remarks in mind as I went to bed. He had spoken of the Lia I knew and loved as a younger girl, the one who would do anything to aid someone, even if it was just to listen.

I was also unaware of Alex’s severe divorce struggles. It was only half a year ago. Even though I was furious with Lia for involving Alex before approaching me, I was appreciative of her assistance in my son’s adjustment to life after divorce.

And I was familiar with my son. When he talked about Lia, his eyes betrayed love and tenderness. He was in love with her. Not only had she bought him new clothes, but she had also assisted him when he was unable to comprehend the changes in his environment by listening to him.

I requested Alex to give Lia a call the next day to extend an invitation. I had cooked her favorite cheesecake when we were kids, or at least it had been. And she told me about her life up until this point as we sat and talked for hours.

Although she was anxious to meet our parents once more, she was also prepared to talk about everything and offer her apology.

She still has my ire for what she did. However, even though Lia and Alex had just recently met, he trusted her enough to open up, so I am thankful that she was there for him.

We had two family brunches with our parents a few months later, and they immediately forgave Lia. And it appears like we’re all headed toward mending our familial bonds.

Have you ever been distant from your siblings? What took place

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