7 Reasons You Should Never Throw Away Egg Shells

One thing that we use on a regular basis are eggs. They find their way into many recipes and we might even just enjoy a couple of eggs for breakfast on occasion.

If you are somebody who uses eggs, then you probably throw away the shells. If that is true, there are seven reasons why you may want to consider keeping those eggshells because they can be of great benefit.

1. Pest deterrent

Putting eggs in the garden can keep slugs, snails, and worms away from your plants. Just scatter the egg shells around the base of the plants and the rest happens naturally.

2. Goodbye deer

If you live in an area where deer are a nuisance, you can also sprinkle the eggshells around the plants. The smell of the eggshells will be a deterrent to keep the animals away.

3. Feed the birds

Birds are a wonderful thing to have around your property and it turns out that they love eggs as much as we do. Just sprinkle the eggshells around the garden and your feathered friends will stop by for a visit.

4. Healthy soil

There are many nutrients in eggshells, including calcium. Broken eggshells added to the soil in your garden will add a lot of nutrients to the soil.

5. Healthy veggies

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and many other plants will rot because of a deficiency in calcium. Bury some broken eggshells under the vegetable plants and this problem will be gone forever.

6. Balanced soil

Many plants require balanced soil to grow. Bury some eggshells in the soil near the plants and the pH levels will be in the good range.

7. Easy composting

You can compost eggshells by crushing them and adding them to the compost pile. This helps to build up the garden in many ways.

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