Peter Noone Partied With The Stones And Hooked Up With Groupies By The Age Of 19

We often hear about people who live the rockstar lifestyle. They have fans that are clamoring at their feet 24 hours a day and it seems as…

Rihanna Evokes Fan’s Rage For ‘Disrespectful’ Cover Shoot

I don’t think anyone needs to be told that they have to be careful what they say and do nowadays. If you make a joke and speak…

Teenage Girl Escapes Kidnapper’s Car And Is Shot Dead By Police

In 2022, police officers were responding to a rather difficult situation when they were chasing down a kidnapper. Video of the footage has now gone public, and…

Woman Found Dead After Keeping Her 2-Year-Old Baby In A Cage And Trying To Sell Child For $1.2 Million

Many people are rightfully shocked when they heard about the woman who kept her 2-year-old child in a cage. It was even more shocking to learn that…

The Moment A Giant Wolf Sits Next To A Woman And Their Eyes Meet

Most of us have respect for wild animals, especially when they have the ability to tear us limb from limb. Wolves have just such a reputation, and…

All Of The Bride’s Dreams Were Shattered With A Startling Revelation

The wedding day is one of the most important days of our life. We will plan for it and make sure that everything goes off without a…

They Only Ever Played This 9/11 Video One Time

It’s hard to believe that it has been over two decades since the terrorist attacks of 9/11. When we think back to those days, we can’t help…

Study Shows Men Focused On Family Prefer Women Without Makeup

There are two types of women in the world, those who enjoy wearing makeup and those who avoid wearing makeup. It seems as if this is more…

Pay-It-Forward Line Ended When Man Refuses To Pay $45 For Another Customer

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are asked to pay for the person behind you in a food line? Perhaps you are sitting…

Joy Behar Calls Dolly Parton’s Jolene Anti-Feminist And Fans Come Unglued

It seems as if people are willing to debate almost anything these days and there are certainly many people with an opinion. This is especially true on…